Jake Pruitt

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I was thinking about titling this post “Culture” to describe what my experience has been like at LaneTerralever. I don’t think the word culture truly does it justice for me, though. My coworkers are the people I turn to whenever I need someone to listen. I know I can trust my coworkers no matter what happens.

They are more than my company. LaneTerralever is my family.


This year was the second year that I was invited to my coworker Andy Parnell’s house for Thanksgiving. I escaped from the abandoned campus and spent the day with the Parnell family, and I was treated like a member of the Parnell family. After being away from my family for months, sitting in a back yard at a full table with a home-cooked meal felt amazing. I could let my guard down and not worry about assignments for a night.

I have learned many fantastic lessons from my coworkers, including how to pour a draft, how to give a proper high-five, and countless golden pieces of relationship and career advice over the past two years. When I realize that I have been going into the same office every work day for 10% of my life, I realize that I have kind of been raised by my coworkers.

I have always felt like the office was my escape from the stresses and social rapids of ASU. It’s like a secret that none of my friends knew about, where I could go and be myself without worrying about upholding a certain image or pretending to be more social than I am. There were Saturdays when Michelle needed help moving the office to the new location, and late night last minute code sessions to finish up big projects. Even on those days, there was no place I’d rather be than at work with my project manager, removed from the lonely weekend campus or the constant drive of homework assignments.

I genuinely care about every single person in the office, and love every chance I get to talk to any of them. I feel their ups and downs, and am amazed at how tied my emotions are to the emotions of my coworkers. I used to say that I could leave everything in the office, but now I realize that the office is my home, and when I walk through those doors I am leaving everything else outside.

These past months have been incredibly exciting, and I can’t wait for what next semester has in store. I am so happy for all of the people that have gotten married or engaged over the past few months, I am constantly living vicariously through the gorgeous Facebook pictures they share of their weddings and proposals and kids.

Thank you guys for being the best family an Arizona transplant could wish for, I always tell people that you are my favorite part about going to ASU. I had an amazing time at the holiday party, and can’t wait to see you guys at the one next year. Please keep in touch with me over my winter break!